The NBCTC is working hard to save your booster club money!
The NBCTC is committed to providing booster clubs with the best services and programs available. We continue to develop relationships with insurance companies that will provide our members with the industries best insurance programs at the industries lowest rates. When we help your booster club save money on insurance, you are able to redirect those savings inward within your programs – exactly where the dollars need to stay!
Here is a highlight of the insurance policies and coverage’s NBCTC members have available. The following five discounted insurance programs are available only to NBCTC Members at the following discounted (yearly) rates.
General Liability Insurance
Effective : All School Support Groups must also include the manditory Additional Insured rider for $25, which covers unlimited Additional Insureds.
Commercial General Liability insurance protection with limits of $1,000,000/$2,000,000 Per Occurrence/Annual Aggregate for each participating NBCTC Booster Club.
Did you know that the Booster Club President, and all other officers and directors of the Booster Club can be personally and individually named, in a lawsuit placing their personal assets at risk (home, vehicles, savings, attachment of future wages and earnings of both individual and spouse)?
Protect your personal assets, your Booster Club and your school district from the threat of financial loss and lawsuits. Booster Club insurance programs are specifically created for NBCTC Booster Clubs.
Bonding Insurance
Property Insurance
Accident Medical Insurance
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
Need to activate your insurance?
NBCTC Members
If your group is a member with the NBCTC contact your Club Advisor or the NBCTC and we will help you activate your insurance today.
Click Here to contact your Club Advisor or Click Here for the NBCTC Contact information.